
29.06.2020 — Admissions

"Le Rendez-Vous des Prépas": a gold mine of tips for passing your exams

Are you familiar with "Le RDV des prépas", the weekly web series imagined by the Figaro Étudiant? Broadcast on Facebook, Instagram and Youtube, these programs allow students to get valuable advice and tips from professionals in order to prepare serenely for the various business school exams. Seven of these episodes were created in partnership with Audencia. 

The 7 main themes covered were the following:

  • Business schools: How to efficiently revise one's exams?
  • What is the revision program for your exams?
  • Economic prepas: how to prepare the essay of general culture?
  • Economic prepas: how to prepare the geopolitics paper?
  • Economic prepas: how to pass the language tests?
  • Tests close together this year: how to manage the high pace?
  • How to de-stress at the approach of the competitions?


"Le Rendez-Vous des prépas" or how to put all the chances on one's side to succeed in the preparation of the competitions and integrate the school of one's dreams!

Read the article on the subject

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